New Year Goals Or Habits? Which Is Best For You! 2

New Year Goals or Habits? Which is Best for You!

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New Year Goals or Habits? Which is Best for You!

New Year Goals Or Habits? Which Is Best For You! 1

Okay sis, it’s time to get this party started!  

It’s time to write down your New Year goals but with a twist!

The twist is that you are going to achieve your goals this year!

I know it’s been a while since you’ve done this, and that’s okay because you are not alone. 

45% of people make new year goals but by February, 80% of them fail and only 8% of those resolutions are kept the entire year!

But that won’t be you because you are going to learn whether you should turn your New Year goals into habits or keep them as goals so that you can reach them!

Are you ready?

Let’s get started!

The Similarities of New Year Goals And Habits

Because I want to see you thrive instead of surviving, I’m going to share with you the differences, similarities, benefits, negatives, and help you decide on whether you should set New Years’ goals or transform them into habits.

Either way, this year is going to be your year!

But, before you grab your pen and start setting new year goals about how you want to lose weight and be happier, (those are my two if you’re wondering), let me ask you one question.  

Do you know exactly what a goal is and what a habit is? 

Simply put, a goal is an idea of how you want your future to look or the desired result that you plan and commit to achieving.

Whereas a habit is a behavior that is repeated and occurs subconsciously.

Both of them are similar in that they help you to achieve things. You can achieve big things like getting your dream career or something small like not taking creamer in your coffee using either habits or goals, which is good news!

But there are some differences in the two!

What Are The Differences in New Year Goals and Habits

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New Year Goals Or Habits? Which Is Best For You! 3

Whenever you are choosing something over the other it is very important to know their differences.

When you learn the differences in one compared to something else, it helps to give you a clear idea as to how it will affect your life. 

So if you choose to turn your New Year goals into habits, you would need to know how they differ.

Some of the differences between habits and goals are that habits are actions that are repeated over and over so much so that the behavior happens subconsciously.   

This makes habits easier to stick with.  

Habits do not take much will power or thinking at all. 

You can say creating a habit is like taking the path of least resistance, unlike goals. 

Goals are different from habits because they don’t become part of your subconscious. 

To accomplish a goal you have to rely on extrinsic motivation. 

You have to have determination, focus, and a deep desire to want to achieve your goal. But unlike habits, goals help you decide what direction you want to take. 

Plus, they don’t take as long to create as a habit does.

But that doesn’t mean you should pick one over the other just yet.

The Negative Side Of Habits And Goals

Let’s get real here. Listing all the facts is good to know but to make the best decision for yourself you have to look at your lifestyle and the specific goal you want to reach.

Are you someone who starts something only to give up, become inconsistent, or forget about it in a month are two?

If so then maybe goals are for you.

By the way, don’t be ashamed if this is you because girl, this is me! 

With three kids, a business, a spouse, and the list goes on, I start something with so much determination, desire, and motivation, but within a week, I tend to forget about it. 

Ahhh…that’s a whole other story though.

Let’s get back to whether you should set New Year goals or habits.

So, one thing you should know is that goals require willpower and self-discipline. If you lack that then maybe goals aren’t for you.

Also, before we head into the negatives when it comes to habits, I want to tell you one more thing. Goals are temporary.

Depending on how you look at it, this can be a good or a bad thing. 

If your goal is to lose weight, then there is an exact amount you want to lose. This means you have an endpoint that is suited for a goal.

But, if you have a goal of eating healthier, then you may want to create a habit because that is a lifestyle change.

Lifestyle changes are more suited for habits because they occur subconsciously. Habits stick for good!

They stick so much that if your routine changes or is interrupted, you may feel disturbed.

With habits, your actions become mechanical since they occur without you having to think about it. 

Benefits Of Goals and Habits

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New Year Goals Or Habits? Which Is Best For You! 4

But just like anything in life, there are benefits. Habits help you save time and reduce your stress because it is not something that you have to think about.

This means your accuracy improves and enhances your outcome. In other words, you reach your goals and help you become the person you want to be.

But all is not lost because goals help to give you motivation. If you are feeling stuck and need something to give you a swift kick in the butt, a goal will help. 

Plus, a goal helps give you a sense of purpose when your life feels like it is on rinse and repeat. 

The Last Thing You Need To Know About New Year Goals

Now that you learned all about goals and habits it’s time to decide which is best.

And the best way to achieve your goals this year is to do both. 

Set a goal so that you have a direction that you want your life to go. Break that goal down into mini-steps that you can turn into habits so that you reach your goal without having to rely on determination, motivation, and remembering your goal every single day.

By combining the two, I know you will be successful. I’m so excited for you and all that you are about to accomplish! 

You got this!


New Year Goals or Habits? Which is Best for You! Pins


  • Shawree Johnson

    Shawree Johnson is a mom of three and knows how motherhood can strip you of your identity. Her blog, Mind Body Spirit Bliss helps you take control of your sanity, day, and time with simple systems and strategies that work. She helps you get clear on what serves your soul and brings you closer to you. Follow Shawree on Instagram.


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